Super Sentai Team Generator

診断結果 Stef...
You are the mastermind of your team. As such, you are the Pink Ranger.
Your team is a heroic group of 6 found family, which later gains 5 more Rangers over time. As a team, your motif is ninjas. Your power source (and potentially theme) is a pact with something. The coloured Rangers on your team are*:
> Red
> Blue
> Yellow
> Pink [This one is you!]
> White
> Gold
> Black
> Green
> Grey
> Bronze
> Cyan

As such, your Ranger team is born. Stand forth, Stef!

*Note the following:
> There may be more colours mentioned than Rangers. If so, choose the first 6 and then choose any 5 you want for the additional Rangers.
> If there are duplicate colours, assume that the situation is similar to the Gouraigers and/or Houou Soldier.


What if a life-changing event happened, and all of a sudden, you were a toku hero? Welcome to the Super Sentai Team Generator! To see the new and improved version, go here >>>. ID:1143970

tokusatsu sentai toku
診断結果: 1時間ごとに変化

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