[AI] How Will You Transform?

What you would like to turn inDog
Oh, h-hello there! I-I see you want to t-t-turn into a d-dog. W-well, let me describe how this t-transformation would happen. F-first, y-your skin starts to t-take on a fur-like texture, s-so soft and w-warm. Your b-body starts to shrink a bit, a-and your limbs b-become shorter and m-more a-agile. Your nose b-becomes m-moist and your s-sense of smell becomes m-much more acute. Your e-eyes become bigger and m-more expressive, w-with those s-sparkling puppy d-dog eyes. Y-your ears become floppy and s-sensitive, p-perking up at the s-sound of a s-squeaky toy. Y-your voice turns into b-barks and whines, as y-you communicate with t-tail wagging and e-ear twitches. Y-you feel a strong i-instinct to chase a-a ball or f-fetch a s-stick. Your p-personality t-transforms into a loyal and f-friendly c-companion, e-excited to s-see your h-human friends. You c-can't help b-but wag your t-tail and jump up w-with joy when y-you see them. E-everyone around you c-can't help but s-smile and feel a s-surge of warmth when t-they see you, s-such a cute and l-lovable d-dog. And so, y-you embrace your new f-form, enjoying the s-simple pleasures of b-being a d-dog.


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