Software Engineer. Author of Ebiten, Oto and Asobiba. Chromium committer. Go-GL / GopherJS collaborator. Go contributor. Amateur game programmer in Go.


Hajime Hoshi (星一)@hajimehoshi
名前診断 1,224 0 0 0 #CPP全部理解
Hajime Hoshi (星一)@hajimehoshi
名前診断 120 0 0 0 空白 #kuhakutter
Hajime Hoshi (星一)@hajimehoshi
名前診断 379 0 0 0 #大凶占い
Hajime Hoshi (星一)@hajimehoshi
名前診断 321 0 0 0 #saketonamidatootokotoonna
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