nonhuman bounty

診断結果 Not too long ago, on an island in the middle of a fast-flowing river, you found yourself seduced by a centaur. Overtaken by primal need, it didn’t waste any time working you open gently. At first you were nervous, but once your body grew to accommodate its length and girth, you could think of nothing other than your own overwhelming pleasure — and the fact that centaurs are notoriously fertile.

After spending a day and a half getting rutted full, you were left with a subtly convex belly that you hoped would soon grow. Even though you already expect this, it won't be until a month or two from now that you'll have a definite answer: According to the results of a series of thorough tests, you can be more than positive that you're carrying several new lives, at the very least. Over the course of the next six months, your belly will grow with astonishing speed, until it becomes more enormous than you had ever thought possible, and aches pleasurably as a result of its rapid enlargement.

By the time your young are ready to be born, you'll have been able to feel your clutch jostling for room inside of you for days on end. After an easy, quick birth, you’ll miss the feeling of your belly getting heavier and heavier. It’ll be a while before you’re ready again. Not to worry — with every new round of breeding, you’ll take more and more pleasure from it, happy to embrace your body's true purpose at last.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

nsfw preg terato
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