nonhuman bounty

診断結果 About a month ago, at a special ceremony in front of all your family and friends, you found yourself getting pleasured by a shapeshifter. The idea excited you more than you liked, especially when it changed shape inside of you until it was bigger than anything else you’d ever taken, bigger than you thought could fit. You hoped it would fill you with young that would shift forms for the very first time in your belly.

After spending the duration of your heat lost in pleasure, you were left with a subtly convex midsection that you couldn’t stop looking at or touching. Even though you know it was likely, it won't be until a month or two from now that you'll be certain: Based on how tired you keep finding yourself, it'll be easy to tell that you're carrying several new lives, at the very least. Over the course of the next eighteen months, your abdomen will expand only a little, though your joints will begin to ache as you get heavier and heavier with the life growing inside of you.

By the time you’re ready to give birth, you won’t be able to think about anything other than how strongly your clutch moves inside of you. After a straightforward birth that leaves you pleasurably sore, you’ll miss the feeling of new life growing inside of you. With any luck, you won’t have to wait too long before you’re carrying another round of young — and you'll look forward to it, finally embracing your body’s true purpose.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

nsfw preg terato
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