Your relationship with Animal Mechanicals

Your nameSpiritenna
The relationship chart for Spiritenna, the female ghost, is as follows:

- Rex: Spiritenna finds Rex a bit intimidating but respects his strength and leadership skills.
- Komodo: Spiritenna enjoys Komodo's company and appreciates his calm and collected nature.
- Mouse: Spiritenna finds Mouse adorable and often spends time playing with her.
- Sasquatch: Spiritenna is fascinated by Sasquatch's size and strength and enjoys learning from him.
- Unicorn: Spiritenna is intrigued by Unicorn's magical abilities and often seeks her advice.
- Buffalo: Spiritenna feels a sense of kinship with Buffalo and enjoys their quiet moments together.
- Tyrannosaurus: Spiritenna is wary of Tyrannosaurus due to his aggressive nature but recognizes his importance in the group.

Please note that these are fictional characters from Animal Mechanicals, and the relationships mentioned are based on their personalities and interactions in the show.

Lucy Cleaver

I mean. She is not wrong, but she is right.


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