Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

診断結果 You, Suki, set up a date with a eager Sylveon, that you met online, at a quiet park. You’re first and sit down to wait. It finally comes, and you barely slip out of the way as the giant pokemon sits where you were.

The Sylveon gently apologizes to you, and then it gives you a comparatively big lick.

After spending some time together, both of you are eager to play some more at the Sylveon’s home. During the evening, the pokemon puts you in its sandal to wear as an insole, stepping on you for a little while; and you both spend some time talking and getting to know each other. At the end of it all, you’re relieved when the pokemon finally stops smothering you in the attention it was giving.

You become fast friends with the Sylveon and hang out more often.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

Pokemon Macro Fetish
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