Your furry Muscle bro.

診断結果 Abdullah Followed His childhood friend From the sports club The brown Bull, Hisoka, aged 24 With a height of 11" With a Heavily athletic body, not to small, but not to big either but still bigger than your average bodybuilder, a perfect blend of shape and mass. He is smooth for the most part with hairy ruffling his crotch a bit. Such a smooth muscle man with no hair on him except for the one he has on his head and the one that covers the base of his 20" thick manhood hanging low. He is wearing a pants and shoes


You just met up with a friend from a long time ago and you haven't spoken to them in years. It looks like they have changed quite a bit, or maybe allot.
kuma (commissions closed for now)@KumaIqwha

Gay Furry Muscle
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