On a date with BTS

診断結果 Kharisma is on a date with Hoseok. They are in a café. Hoseok has a crush on Kharisma and asked them on a date, but Kharisma actually crushes on Seokjin.

They are together in the café and decide to make pasta. Hoseok is so in love, but Kharisma feels very angry. It's because Kharisma wanted the date to be in a car and with Seokjin.

Suddenly, Jungkook appears and starts to scream at the air. They see it and Hoseok says: "OMG?! Did you stalk us?! Get out of this house!" Jungkook answers: "No, I'm here with my assistant Jimin who wanted to sing Expensive Girl. Leave me alone!" Kharisma tells him: "Hahaha you thought!".

Later, Hoseok wants to stare at Kharisma, but out of nothing, Namjoon flies in on a rocket and starts to pretend to be ramen angrily. "I AM the one who truly loves Kharisma", he says while being happy. Hoseok starts to lowkey fight him and is shocked. Kharisma watches in horror, starts to spin at the floor and screams "Wassup bro?".

In the end, Kharisma ends up being Hoseok's bandmate and Namjoon's fiancé.


How does your date with BTS go?

BTS Kpop Date
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