Your Magical Girl Persona!
Magical Girl Name Cure Vemon
Theme (Or multiple themes)Snake
Transformation Device TypeCompact
Transformation Phrase“Pretty Cure! My Evolution!”
Transformation Device NameVenomous Snake Pact
Transformation ElementsVemon
Outfit Type (Dress, Suit, etc)Dress, Shoes, leggings, gloves and crown
Hairstyle Long ponytail
Weapon Type (Gun, Sword, Wand)Wand
Attack Name“Help! Kirarin Animal!”
Cure Vemon's transformation device, the Venomous Snake Pact, resembles a compact. When she utters her transformation phrase, “Pretty Cure! My Evolution!”, a dazzling sequence begins. Her outfit, a stunning dress paired with matching shoes, leggings, gloves, and a crown, materializes in a swirl of green and black ribbons. Her long ponytail flows with power as she wields her wand, ready to unleash her signature attack, "Help! Kirarin Animal!" This attack summons a radiant and powerful creature to aid her in battle, embodying the strength and grace of a venomous snake.


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