Your relationship with Animal Mechanicals

Your nameZeke Phillips
The relationship chart for Zeke Phillips, a male human, is as follows:

- Rex: Best friends. They have a strong bond and enjoy each other's company.
- Komodo: Good friends. They get along well and have a lot in common.
- Mouse: Friendly acquaintances. They have a positive relationship but are not very close.
- Unicorn: Neutral. They don't have a strong connection and don't interact much.
- Sasquatch: Neutral. They have minimal interaction and don't have a strong relationship.
- Rabbit: Neutral. They don't have a strong connection and don't interact much.
- Mouse: Neutral. They don't have a strong connection and don't interact much.
- Kangaroo: Neutral. They don't have a strong connection and don't interact much.

Overall, Zeke has a good relationship with Rex and Komodo, while his relationship with the other characters is neutral.


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