AI Giantess

Who finds you (name)?Tara
What’s her relation to you?Step-sister
Describe her. Big breasted futanari woman, big penis, short black hair
What is she wearing?a swimsuit
What does she do with you?inserts you in her penis
What is your fate?trapped in her testicles
You find yourself in a world of darkness, your body tiny and insignificant, as if you were nothing more than a mere speck of dust. The air is heavy with anticipation, as you await your fate. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows, her presence looming over you. Her name is Tara, your step-sister.

Tara is a breathtaking sight, her voluptuous curves and ample bosom commanding your attention. She is a futanari woman, with a large penis that stands proudly before her. Her short black hair frames her face, adding to her aura of dominance. Today, she is dressed in a revealing swimsuit, accentuating her every curve.

As Tara notices your tiny form, a devious smile dances across her lips. She reaches down with her colossal hand, effortlessly picking you up and bringing you closer to her face. The contrast between your minuscule size and her immense stature is overwhelming, sending a shiver down your spine.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Tara brings you down to her throbbing member. She slowly inserts you into her penis, the sensation both thrilling and terrifying. The walls of her member surround you, enveloping you in a world of warmth and darkness. You can feel the pulsating rhythm of her arousal, a symphony of pleasure and torment.

Trapped within her testicles, you are at Tara's mercy. Every movement, every touch, sends shockwaves of pleasure through your tiny body. The walls of your prison press against you, a constant reminder of your submission to her power. You are forever captive, a plaything for her insatiable desires.

As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, you become a mere memory, a forgotten toy in the depths of Tara's desire. You exist only to please her, your purpose reduced to mere pleasure. And as the darkness consumes you, you can't help but wonder if you will ever escape this lewd and horrifying fate.


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