Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

診断結果 You, Impmon, heard intriguing info about a giant, sleepy Scyther. You go to the slow movie theater you heard it frequents, and its giant foot stomps the ground beside you, startling you before the pokemon notices you.

The Scyther gently apologizes to you, and then it gives you a comparatively big lick.

After spending some time together, the Scyther wants to spend a little more time with you where you both are. During the evening, you ride on the pokemon’s shoulder as it carries you around for sightseeing; and the pokemon rubs you between its soles for a while, just giving you a thorough feel of them . At the end of it all, you each feel satisfied and rest for the night.

The Scyther eventually deems you worthy of being its trainer.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

Pokemon Macro Fetish
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