Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

診断結果 You, Azula , heard intriguing info about a giant, lonely Nidoran M. You go to the vacant beach you heard it frequents, sitting and waiting. The pokemon comes along, not seeing you at first, and almost sits on you until you pipe up!

The Nidoran M is excited to meet you, and then you spend a few minutes discussing what you each like.

After spending some time together, the Nidoran M wants to spend a little more time with you where you both are. During the evening, the pokemon subjects you to continuous licking and kissing for hours; and the pokemon spends a few minutes playfully and gently stomping on you. At the end of it all, the pokemon teases you about what a fun toy you make.

The Nidoran M keeps you as a pet to play with and serve it.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

Pokemon Macro Fetish
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