Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

診断結果 You, Katara, awakened in the house of a giant, frisky anthro Dewgong. More specifically, its sandwich. You barely realize this before the unknowing pokemon lifts the sandwich to eat it, and you quickly fall out the other end. The pokemon notices you on its plate, confused for a moment.

The anthro Dewgong shuffles its feet shyly, and then it scrutinizes you for a long moment.

After spending some time together, both of you are eager to play some more at the anthro Dewgong’s home. During the evening, you rub the pokemon’s feetpaws at your offer, and it relaxes happily at your touch on its soles; and the pokemon tramples you underfoot, twisting its ankle and grinding you under the sole. At the end of it all, you cool down with some videos together.

You and anthro Dewgong say goodbye only for the night, expecting to meet again soon.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

Pokemon Macro Fetish
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