[RWBY] Your OC, Weapon + Semblance & more!

診断結果 Name: Tessa
Height: 5'7"
Hair: Long, wavy, chestnut brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Fair
Clothing: Tessa is usually seen wearing a black leather jacket with silver accents, a white tank top, black jeans, and combat boots. She also wears fingerless gloves and a silver necklace with a small pendant.
Personality: Tessa is confident and independent. She is a natural leader and always takes charge in difficult situations. She is determined and ambitious, always striving for success. Tessa is also fiercely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect them. She has a sarcastic sense of humor and enjoys teasing her teammates.

POB: Vale
School: Beacon
Team Name: SNTL (Sentinel)

Hybrid-Weapon: Tessa's weapon is a hybrid of a sword and a sniper rifle. In its sword form, it has a sleek black blade with silver details. The handle is designed to resemble a sniper rifle, with a scope and trigger mechanism. In its sniper rifle form, it can shoot high-velocity rounds with precision accuracy.

Semblance: Tessa's semblance is called "Shadow Step". She can teleport short distances, leaving behind a trail of shadows. This allows her to quickly dodge attacks and get behind her opponents for surprise attacks. However, she can only teleport within her line of sight and has a limited range.


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