You got kidnapped by a Yandere

診断結果 If Nazirul was willing:
Nazirul woke up in a basement, They were gagged and chained up to a chair, Nazirul struggled and eventually got out. they left the room quietly... Nazirul creeped slowly into the other room and saw a person giggling and mumbling to themselves, the only words that Nazirul can make out is "finally mine", "our wonderful future"... and some other stuff about a nice future with someone... or rather Nazirul, since Nazirul also heard their name in the mumbling..Nazirul finds this amusing so without having anything to do back in their original life, they decided to see what happens if they take this one. "How did yo- well that doesn't matter..." then the person starts rambling about how much they love Nazirul

If Nazirul wasn't willing:
Nazirul woke up in a basement, They were gagged and chained up to a chair, Nazirul struggled and eventually got out. they left the room quietly...or at least they tried, a person was behind that door and forcefully pushed themselves and Nazirul back in the room, "How did yo- well that doesn't matter..." then the person starts rambling about how much they love Nazirul, Nazirul finds this insane and immoral, so Nazirul ran behind the person, and Nazirul was successful while the person blamed themselves for loosing the love of their life....


You woke up in... Where?.. well you dont really know but what you do know is that a person is suddenly claiming they love you, but what do they do? what kind of Yandere are they?

Yandere Lockedup
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