your vorish date (prey)

診断結果 Akira takes your hand at the movie theater during the film they have been excited to see for months. You both arrived too late to get any popcorn, much to your date's dismay. You whisper to them that you will promise to not make too much noise if they want a snack. They excitedly nod. They gently take you by the arms and begin to swallow you head first, their tongue exploring you for minutes beforehand. Akira gently swallows you down, savouring your taste as you go deeper and deeper in. They let out a louder burp than expected, blushing from embarrassment and them loving your presence inside them.

After a couple hours, Akira absorbed your whole form entirely. They count down the seconds until you reform so that you can have your turn with them.


I have decided to make a much more "wholesome" vore scenario creator. Simply put in the name of your hungry crush or character. I will be adding to this as time goes on, so stay tuned with a fav!
qwe rty@AnonymousEquine

vore Love wholesome
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