🤖🤖🤖🔥〔♡Komom_5's♡ ROBOT MAKER COMPANY〕🔥🤖🤖🤖
Your name✨Meia✨
Robot name Kat-01
Male or female Female
source of energy: Electricity
1 Ability: Enhanced speed
2 Ability: Advanced data analysis
3 Ability: Precision targeting
4 Ability: Stealth mode
Disability: None
1 Special Ability: Energy shield
2 Special Ability: Holographic projection
Core's color: Silver
Core's secondary color: None
Skin color: Metallic silver
Special aura color and Texture: Electric blue with a sparking texture
Core Rarity: Rare
Personality: Intelligent, agile, and resourceful
Positives: Quick thinker, adaptable, and loyal
Negatives: Can be overly cautious and perfectionistic
Extras: Holographic projection in the shape of wings on back


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