you activated a trap!

診断結果 Suddenly, Jorge feels something speaking to them, a soft, calming voice, prompting them to keep walking, not minding their surroundings, not noticing the traps they keep pressing, each of them adding a bit more of gear to them: a latex hood with holes for their muzzle and eyes, a big ball gag and ankle cuffs. After a while, they get to the source: a strange looking chamber with room for one. They go in without thinking twice, still entranced by the feeling on the back of their head. As soon as they go in, the trance fades, but before they can react and run away, the chamber seals itself. A few seconds pass, and the gear disappears, at the same time as a strange gas starts coming out from a vent on the floor. As the panic finishes setting in, Jorge starts banging on the door, screaming and yelling, hoping someone would hear. But no one was even near the temple. Suddenly, the panic came to a stop. With no way out, the gas reached Jorge's nostrils, and the strange scent invaded their mind. A few seconds passed by, and Jorge was completely out of it. Stuck on a trance caused by the strange gas. When they regained conscience, they were no longer inside the chamber, instead, they found themselves in a big white bedroom, with a single, large window. They were wearing a... maid costume? They were confused, when did they get there? What were they doing before? They could not remember, no matter how hard they tried. All they could remember is a- Their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bell coming from another room, their body starting to move automatically towards the source. They came inside the room with their head down. They didn't know why, but they couldn't bring themselves to look at the person inside. "What were you doing?". Before they could even begin to form a sentence, the voice spoke again. "You know what? It doesn't matter" though Jorge wasn't able to figure out the gender of the voice, they could tell they were upset. "You were supposed to clean the house. Why is this room so full of dust?". "W- well I-" Jorge started to form a sentence, but before they could say anything else they were once again interrupted. "I don't want to hear your excuses, get to cleaning. And when you are done, meet me in the Conditioning Room". Jorge gulped. They didn't know why, but they had a feeling on their gut that that was terrible. And so they started cleaning, dreading every minute that passed, still trying to remember how they got there while mindlessly swiping the dust off the shelves. And more importantly, wondering how were they going to get out.


you are exploring an old temple when you accidentally step on the wrong tile
mintystink 🔞@mintystink1

furry nsfw kinky
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