Obey me! Date (A little spicy)

診断結果 You are quietly eating breakfast and watching deviltube-videos when Lucifer asks if you want to go to the human world to spend a day at the beach together. It was awesome.

When it was time to leave you ran home laughing together and sneaked into the observatory. He flexed his wings and asked if you'd like a ride and after a moment of thought you accept and take his hand.
And after an amazing ride you end up back in his room.

Just as he was about to kiss you Belphie and Diavolo burst through the door demanding that Lucifer let go of you.
Belphie Stormed in and ripped you away from Lucifer and proceeded to carry you back to your room.


I tried really hard to make this ;v; plz tell me if you want to add something or if you find a problem with it <3

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